BIM in civil engineering
On this page we would like to inform you about our strategy and current developments around the topic BIM / IFC in civil engineering.
BIM - a short introduction (open)
According to the Road Map for Digital Design and Construction,
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is said to make it easier for all project participants, to acquire, to interchange and to maintain data,
starting with the first draft right up to the renaturation of a building.
Planning errors can be recognized early enough by the help of clash detections and can be eliminated before the real construction starts,
via the primarily digital planning with the help of a 3D-model.
Cost-intensive postprocessings are avoided in this way as well as unnecessary delays in the time schedule.
Unfortunately, the reality turns out to be more complicated.
Where it is already possible in the structural engineering to exchange data successfully via the propagandised IFC-interface (Industry Foundation Classes),
it unfortunately does not look that promising in the civil engineering sector (e.g. road, sewer). Here it is necessary to establish an universal standard for data exchange.
Nevertheless it becomes obvious, that this new way of building project reflection will generate big modifications and new standards.
We have realized at an early stage, that BIM is much more, as simple 3D-representation: it is about the object-oriented planning of infrastructural projects.
All subsections of BBSoft® provide an opportunity of connection and creation of object dependecies among each other:
e.g. if you change something at the contour map of a road, the manhole covers of the sewer will be retraced automatically.
If you have calculated catchments, the corresponding road gullies will be placed automatically.
Hereby essential process steps are expedited and your postprocessings will be significantly decreased.
With our software we cover all steps of infrastructural planning: from the design to the accounting.
With BBSoft® you can generate 3D-objects in certain subsections (e.g. route solid, sewer, manholes and reaches).
In the CAD these 3D-solids can be committed via IFC-interface to further CAD-programs (e.g. Autodesk™-Revit),
in order to perform clash detections across the 3D-surfaces in already existing structural engineering projects.
In longitudinal sections and cross-profiles (road, sewer, surveying) conduit clashes are highlighted automatized via the option „crossing elements“.
By the use of such early visual inspections the cost control remains in your hands and time delays during the building phase are minimized.
To meet our own requirements to accompany you optimally on the way to BIM-compliant planning of digital civil engineering projects, we provide an insight into the current state of development of the topic BIM by BBSoft®:
an IFC-export was now integrated in our software. With that it is possible to export technical data and geometries (3D-solids) of sewer data via IFC (2x3 or 4) out of the BBSoft®-database.
With BBSoft® you rely on a confidable and practical software, which will be extended continuously with the claim,
that a BIM-compliant planning of your digital civil engineering projects is prospectively enabled, also by use of an IFC-interface.
BBSoft® is a member of buildingSMART e.V. (open)
We are a member of buildingSMART e.V., the association for the further development and standardization of open exchange standards for the software-independent exchange of information in BIM projects.
The membership is a sign for our understanding, that the digitization in civil engineering proceeds and we want to influence this development actively. Furthermore the membership provides us a stage for the exchange of information and an access to current information and innovations in the field of BIM/IFC.
To be able to read the following information/documents, you will need Acrobat® Reader®. You can download it for free here.
- Guideline geodesy and BIM
publisher: DVW e.V. / Runder Tisch GIS e.V. | version 2.1 (only available in German) - Parametric modeling
publisher: Business Geomatics | issue 05/2017 (only available in German) - BIM - new prospects for geodesists
publisher: gis.Business | issue 05/2017 (only available in German) - Implementation of the Road Map for Digital Design and Construction
publisher: BMVI | issue 01/2017 (only available in German) - Scientific support of pilot projects for implementation of BIM in the infrastructure construction
publisher: BMVI | issue 07/2016 (only available in German) - Road Map for Digital Design and Construction
publisher: BMVI | issue 12/2015 (only available in German) - Reform Commission Construction of Major Projects
publisher: BMVI | final report, issue 12/2015 (only available in German) - Road Map for introduction of BIM
publisher: BMVI | final report, issue 12/2015 (only available in German) - BIM-guideline for Germany
publisher: ZukunftBAU | final report, issue 11/2013 (only available in German) - User Manual for data exchange BIM/IFC
publisher: IAI / buildingSMART e.V. | version 2.0, issue 09/2008 (only available in German)