Street furniture
Different measures can be taken for affecting the behaviour of road users. Generally these methods are linked with the term "street furniture". Among others, these include: traffic signs, markings, sign-posting, signalisation and illumination. All existing road markings are updated if changes in the course of the route occured and all markings are based on PlanzV90, RAS, StVO, SNV and ÖNORM.
Further features:
- road markings are guided by the alignment and borders and will be updated automatically during changes of the course of the route
- traffic signs catalogue 2017
- street lighting
- longitudinal markings (narrow/wide lane line, in town, out of town, motorway, bicycle path)
- lateral markings (stop- and waiting line, pedestrian crossing, traffic calming)
- restricted zones
- parking lots (stopping- and no-parking restrictions, stationary traffic)
- pictograms (arrows, other markings)
required modules: BB-VGR, BB-VSTR