Water network calculation
The calculation module of BBSoft® makes it possible to calculate a pressure pipe system according to Hardy-Cross with different options and commands. Extraction quantities at nodes and conduits must be defined by the user, also one or several water reservoirs.
Further features:
- inspection via water-flow path (backtracking), if the complete water network is closed
- the pressure loss of water conduits can be calculated (based on the defined extraction quantity and the flow)
- under consideration of different calculation cases (loading/fire conditions) the pressure loss for single conduit sections can be determined
- valves (opened und closed) will be integrated during calculation
- fittings, that go beyond or rather below the predefined minimum and maximum pressure, are highlighted
- meshes, conduits, nodes and fittings will be listed in the calculation protocol
- automatic inscription in the location plan of: incoming and outgoing water quantity, extraction quantity and pressure head loss at nodes and conduits
required modules: BB-VGR, BB-LGGR, BB-LWAS, BB-LWSB