Map frame
A map frame of BBSoft® creates a frame around your drawing or only around a section of it with desired size and adjustment. As a consequence of that the compilation of maps is speeded up, because the map frame manages all map formats and layouts centrally.
Further features:
- selection of various north arrows and title blocks
- another symbol, e.g. a QR-code, can be integrated into your map frame additionally to north arrow and title block
- the creation of an individual title block (with the respective company logo) is without any problems possible for a consistent layout
- the title block can be positioned arbitrarily and can be designed in the presentation, the text content and the size
- the north arrow can be set centrally in the map frame
- the format of the map can be adjusted on usual or on free definable formats
- via an own presentation map, it is possible to define and edit the line types for the paper- and model space
- all texts along the edge can be adjusted in position and presentation, inclusive the folding mark
- maps with different output scales can be combinded with each other
- a second viewport can be displayed additionally, also with a different scale
- the settings of a map frame can be exported in a .txt-file (this file can be used for the import too)
- map frames can be arranged automatically along a defined alignment, inclusive the consideration of the overlaps (map frame group)
- the scale of the plot measurement can be defined precisely and can be adjusted to the paper format
- it is possible to mark the presentation area in the model area in order to see exactly which part is displayed in the map frame
- coordinate inscriptions at the edge of a section can be configured according to appearance and height of texts
- optional possibility for the creation/insertion of grid squares
- selection, if map frame groups should be displayed space-saving in one layout or individually in separate layouts
- for the creation of a map frame group a sewer harness can be used also
- a map frame group can be rotated around 180°, so that the viewing direction is not adjusted mandatory to the north
- a map frame can be copied into an existing or an completely new layout
- a CSV-export exists, which exports the object-ID, the name of the layout, the left bottom corner as insertion point and the angle
required modules: BB-VGR