Sewer condition classification
The sewer classification and sewer evaluation of BBSoft® makes it possible for you to evaluate inspection data quickly and reliable, from the classification of the single damages over the evaluation of the basic conditions up to the creation of priority lists.
Further features:
- reaches can be evaluated according to DWA-M 149-7: you can define the wastewater type and the subject of protection as basis of the evaluation with regard to environmental relevance
- evaluations are possible, according to ATV M149, DWA M149-3, DWA M149-7 or ISYBAU 96/01/06/18
- the inspection and damage codes, according to DIN EN 13508-2, are included in the delivery
- for every object various inspections can be maintained (damage history)
- an improved readability/clarity is achieved through an exemption of the damage texts
- our software regulates an extensive range of representation possibilities: models according to ISYBAU and DWA are provided
- for improvement of clarity damage codes can be complemented or replaced by expressive symbols respectively
required modules: BB-VGR, BB-LGGR, BB-LKAN, BB-LAS