Sewer hydraulics
An essential component of the hydraulic sewer calculation are functions, which complement the planning ideally. The software provides the calcualtion of flow and flow velocity (Q und v) within pipes and assumes the measurement of a conduit and the calculation of flow time: The program recognizes the reaches which lie above in flow direction, calculates the flow time of these and writes this to every manhole. In addition to it catchments can be compiled and assigned to the reaches, a calculation of the fixed amount via an overlay of arbitrary CAD-areas is integrated. The values in [%] of the total area and in [ha] are directly written into the database.
Further features:
- the following calculations are integrated in our software: time coefficient (also under consideration of the reduction according to Imhoff), summation diagrams method (consideration of the intensity of rainfall according to Reynolds, KOSTRA interpolated, KOSTRA directly), flow velocity [v] and flow [Q], efficiency, calculation of flow time, special building measurement (RÜ), flow times and filling quantities
- the complete net or only single areas can be calculated in the plan
- 'Stop'-manholes can be defined at which the net calcualtion can be stopped
- the software provides the opportunity to declare manholes as flow-dividing structures (gate), at which the water quantity is linearly divided onto the branches, besides by loops in the net it is automatically prohibited that superior catchments are considered twice
- natural catchments can be automatically generated with the module 'DTM-analysis' and the geometry can be adopted via mouse click into the database
- additionally the medium falling gradient is calculated by the DTM-analysis and therefore you can use it for the calculation of the drain coefficient
- the program provides the specification of the minimum pipe diameter, which would be necessary for implementing the calculated water quantity at the desired efficiency (e.g. 90%). Thereby the planner can flexibly decide, if he switchs onto the superior diameter or if he maintains the dimensions for economic reasons
- alternatively the user allows the software to dimension the net according to certain criteria. The efficiency plays an essential role. Furthermore it can be specified, if the calculated DN is always = or > towards the existing DN. In addition to that, the software can prevent, that the dimensioning at steep sections jumps onto a smaller diameter
- the backwater heights (backwater- and energy grade line) and the frequency of flooding of hydrodynamic calculation systems are represented too (e.g. from HYSTEM-EXTRAN)
Special feature stormwater overflow:
From the database independent tool in CivilDesign® for the calculation of stormwater overflows.
The user is directed through the dialog-boxes with the help of an assistent.
The input of the required values is simplified by means of descriptive graphics.
The calculation results can be exported via an integrated print function towards Microsoft® Office, OpenOffice™, HTML, etc.
required modules: BB-VGR, BB-LGGR, BB-LKAN