Intersection planning
Intersection planning complements the extensive road planning program towards a complete, user-related and graphical road planning tool. For the user a large number of construction elements and calculations are available, which are necessary for the planning of intersections and roundabouts. The planning process considers the country-specific norms (RAS-K, RASt06, RAL, VSS and ÖNorm)
Further features:
- turning circle
- turning lane
- jughandle
- small and large traffic island
- road dividers and entries and exits (based on BMV ARS and VSS)
- field of views for car, pedestrian and cyclist
- sight distance (based on RAL2012)
- distances, radii and lengths are dialog-controlled
- heights and connections will be updated automatically during changes at alignments and borders
- height information of existing borders will be adopted and interpolated in connection ranges
- via selection of borders in the location plan the program set automatically connection points at the intersection of lines and adopts the selected height
- bus bays and turning bays (based on RASt06, EAÖ2013, Tiroler Standard (AUT))
- S-internal radius, whereby the warpage length can be determined automatically with the aid of the design speed
- include polygonal edging courses (e.g. borders)
- determine vertical alignment out of edge heights (redevelopment planning)
- generate automatized crown of a road or unilateral inclined profile
required modules: BB-VGR, BB-VSTR, BB-VKNT