Data backup
The data backup plays an essential role during the planning process. Therefore two different variants of backup are available for the user. In the first step it is possible to save track data like alignment information, traces, inclinations, road pavement constructions, contour points, general drain spots and stations automatically. The data is filed in the project directory as an ASCII-text.
In addition you can export this data in a database (Oracle®) and manage it there. With it a high rate of security is ensured. The database permits thereby different states of planning of one route in multiple variants.
Additionally filter- and searchfunctions can be disposed. Even the output of information concerning the route is in LibreOffice Writer, Calc, HTML and LaTex possible. In this way important information can be combined, managed and looked at, related to existent infrastructure (sewer, water, electricity and trees). The option to mix different areas of data backup by re-establishment represents a special feature. For this reason an existing alignment in the location plan can be brought together with another variant of alignment height. Libraries for Germany, Switzerland and Austria are considerably available, other libraries are in progress.